Youth Speaker

Are you seizing the day?

Are  you seizing the day?

I wanted to follow up my conversation last week on overcoming the fear of, "what if" and dig right into procrastination.

If you're reading this, you don't need a feel-good chaser or fluff words; you've read enough of those and we are done placating.   TRUTH: If you have a fear that you've not overcome you most certainly have been procrastinating on the milestones needed to overcome the fear.  Don't start beating yours...

Change Lives, Make a Difference

I may not always post pictures and video of the things I do, but it's more because I don't like to gloat or get egotistical, about working for God.

Being a Servant Leader isn't easy, but it sure is rewarding. You don't get the public praise, you don't get the standing ovations, you're not a rock star, designers don't send you their clothes to promote, and Pepsi isn't looking to endorse you.

But, lives are changed. The most important lives - our teens.

It's sometimes very difficult to be so transparent, to help teens by showing your vulnerable side (which is very uncomfortable), and hope that they take away the lesson instead of pre-judging you. When I'm in front of a group of teens, I give all I have to the point I'm exhausted. 
To be a part of something so monumental, so life changing is humbling.

Thanks to The All Ways Up Foundation for including me in your Up Through Education Summit the second year in a row.

It changed my life.