Sex-Trafficking Survivor Advocate
For over 23 years, Jayla has provided confidential services to survivors of sex-trafficking and their families, including informing survivors and their families of their legal rights and options and supporting them in their choices throughout the healing process.
victim-centered and
trauma-informed approach
Jayla provides a considerable amount of community education to raise awareness about human trafficking and related issues in local neighborhoods across the United States. Jayla’s 1 Day & 3 Day Intensives for Law Enforcement, Human Service Workers, fellow Victim Advocates, and CSEC Trainers have received favorable reviews, with most citing her real-life approach to Human Trafficking as one of the best takeaways to use immediately in their practice.
jayla’s 18 year career in 12 minutes
Feature film / documentary sex-trafficking consultant.
on set 'At-risk' teen life coach
While the popularity of talk shows like Jerry Springer made out-of-control teens look like actors, putting on a facade for camera time, Jayla saw the pain behind these teens. As a consultant for the talk show circuit, Jayla spends time taking teens through an intimate scared straight program to show them what real consequences look like, how they feel, and to hear the stories of other women who were once out-of-control.