Did you know that you are the company you keep?
I have been preaching this for years in social media, to clients, in my everyday life, and in my programs, however, I feel the need to repeat it because some enjoy the knowledge I spread, but think it somehow doesn't apply to the toxic areas of their life. Life is too short to be bitter, yet, so many people spend their time relishing in thinking ill of others (and for some, it's even worse - they feel this way about those they don't know/have never met/will never meet). Many people are practicing habits that not only cause them to be bitter but ultimately, affect how they interact with others.
Reminders can get you back to YOU, and, it's about time for a crash-course.
For the third time, I'm doing the, "Don't Be Bitter, Be Better: Eliminating Toxic People, Places, and Things From Your Life" series. This series is focused on helping those who need to understand the simple things that are causing dis-ease in their life. I have not done this series since 2010, and, so much has changed with new social media, "catfishing", and increased narcissism as a result. This will be a great series, packed with new information and life lessons I've had to learn since having my twins.
Do you know someone who is bitter?
We refer to them as many things but we all know a bitter person. You may call them, "haters". We see them on the freeway, at work, at church, in the malls, while eating at restaurants and sometimes within our personal social circles.
Bitter people will try and downplay your time, talent and treasures.
If you aren't careful they will tear you down, get aggressive towards you when you call them on it, and attempt to blame it all on you. One experience should be enough to show people they don't want to be around such people, but like most of us, you will have to learn from multiple experiences.
Bitter people don't have to define you.
There are certain things that I refuse to deal with. I made a list of things that I said I was not going to tolerate and I gave this list to my friend and Life Coaches so I could be made accountable whenever I deviated from this list. Here are some of the things from that list:
- I will not tolerate anyone who cannot hold an intelligent conversation with me
- I will not tolerate anyone I barely know to pull me out of my comfort zone if I don't feel comfortable doing so
- I will not tolerate mental/verbal/or emotional abuse from anyone
- I will not any person, place or thing that doesn't match my purpose to distract me from my God given purpose
Take some time this week and make a list of things you are not willing to tolerate. You then will have a set of standards that you can use as a metric for the people currently in your life. You may look at the list after you're done and automatically know who you need to cut from your life in order to be happy - be careful though because the person you may need to cut is your current SELF in order for a BETTER YOU to replace the current you.
KNOW THIS: Bitter people will pull you down and prohibit you from being at your best.
What you settle for in friends for the sake of not being lonely will be the thing that keeps you from your happiness. Settling for second best in ALL parts of your life should be a no-no.
Remember that nugget of TRUTH from The SEQ!
I love you, and there's absolutely, positively, nothin you can do about it!!! Dawn The Self-Esteem Queen™ © 2016 Dawn The Self-Esteem Queen™ All rights reserved.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR - With a knack for bouncing back when faced with the most difficult adversity, Dawn The Self Esteem Queen™ has quickly become known for her ability to get people out the “victim” mindset immediately. An Internationally Recognized Rescuer of Sex-Trafficked Teens and Runaways, Motivational Speaker, Author, Mentor and Spiritual Life Coach, Dawn “The Self Esteem Queen” uses her experience with trials to mentor, minister, and coach people all over the World. One of today’s leading experts on Teen Mentoring, Self-Esteem Enhancement, and Servant Leadership, Dawn’s mission in life is to teach individuals how to BE BETTER Human Beings.
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